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rooster app screenshot to search activities

What is Rooster?

Rooster is a location-based app for searching and booking a broad range of extracurricular activities whether it’s after school activities, mommy and me, morning activities, weekend activities, privates, teams, and camps such as summer camps and any holiday camp . Rooster is also the first community app and its goal is happy kids and tighter communities.

kid and father having fun
rooster app screenshot for activities

Your day becomes simple

Rooster keeps us connected and organized with our kids’ extracurricular activities and summer camps.
Rooster adds registered activities to all calendars and reminders.

girl listening to a shell having fun
rooster app screenshot of kids activities
building icon

Join The Rooster Flock

Our Flock is a community of families who value quality enrichment of their children’s development.

Ready to unlock the future for your children?

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Get the app

Your guide to kid’s activities

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