girl having fun playing girl having fun playing girl having fun playing
rooster app screenshot of kids activities

What is Rooster?

Rooster is the new marketplace for parents to search & book their kid's activities, classes and camps, onsite and online

kid playing in the dirt
rooster app dashboard for business

One Stop Shop

You can list your activities and manage your listings, bookings and admin in one place

family playing and having fun
rooster app screenshots of kids actitivies

Parents will love the app using our awesome features

With Rooster parents can easily re-enrol in sessions, share activities with friends and add reviews and ratings

girl with baloons having fun outside
sharing kids activities in facebook

Learn more about our marketing options

You’ll be included in our integrated marketing campaigns to boost registrations

kid playing with a rooster

Rooster is looking for more activity centers

Join Rooster and become an activity center that we can support

rooster app logo